Parent Participation

We are a parent co-operative, and we emphasize the participation of parents in the activities and management of the school. The main element of parent participation takes place through the parent committees, on which all parents are expected to serve. Parents can select among several committees that they will be a part of for the school year. These committees help defray costs that the school would otherwise incur by bringing in outside contractors and workers. They also generate money that is used to enhance the educational program of the school. Committees give parents an opportunity to work with and get to know other families in the school. 


Board of Directors: This committee works with the administration to support the Mission of the school and responsibly maintain the school’s finances. It is comprised of the elected officers who represent the Toddler, Nursery, and Pre-K classes. Anyone who wishes to be considered for the Board must submit a letter of interest describing any prior experience with a Board and what skillset they will bring to the school’s current Board.

Education & Anti-Bias: Coordinates and stimulates the participation of parents in the educational and community goals of The Family Annex. The Committee is comprised of one parent from each classroom, one educator representative from each classroom and The Family Annex administration. This year, the committee will plan on how to move ahead with talks, meetings, etc. to address anti-racism and equity. 

Fundraising: Members of this committee will be responsible for considering ways to fundraise virtually, in-person if possible, continue Giving Tuesday, and plan t-shirt and other sales throughout the year.

Gardening: The committee members will be responsible for pruning bushes, spring planting, and clean up in the fall and spring, adding mulch, soil, etc. as necessary. Parents will rotate monthly to sweep and clean the ground in the backyard, check that any toys in the back are washed and garbage thrown out. Knowledge of plants (regarding those safe for children) is necessary as is previous experience in gardening. As of right now, the gardening committee will need to coordinate with the administration to gain access to the backyard outside of school hours. Please note that children are not permitted to assist when the school is closed.

Grant Writing: The members of this committee will work collaboratively to seek out, apply for, and write grants that will support and enhance the curriculum of the school as well as support our Mission statement. Each committee member is expected to take the lead on seeking out and applying for at least one grant during the school year. 

Hospitality & Community Building: Members of this committee organize events for children and families such as a winter party, potluck dinners, and end of year picnic. Additionally, this committee will be responsible for arranging Zoom meetings with parents to socialize and offer support to one another.

Library/Book Review: This committee will make monthly children and adult book recommendations with short blurbs indicating age recommendations, themes, and a synopsis for other parents and teachers.

Maintenance: Committee members will be called upon to assist with minor repairs and maintenance work around the school and backyard. This may include hanging hooks or shelves, sanding and sealing backyard equipment, repair items, etc.

Recruitment: After Nancy or Lauren meet with applicants, parents on the recruitment committee will meet with parents virtually to talk about their experience at The Family Annex. Committee members should have at least one year’s experience in the school. If we are permitted to have visitors, recruitment committee members will also be responsible for bringing small groups of prospective parents on a tour of the school, after school hours.

Room Contact & Teacher Appreciation: One parent from each classroom will serve as the Room Contact and member of the Teacher Appreciation Committee. This parent will be responsible for contacting parents if there are changes to the school’s status or closures. The parent will also be responsible for recognizing teacher’s birthdays, providing gifts for these and holidays, as well as during Teacher Appreciation week. The parent will be responsible for collecting money from other families in their classroom to use for the sole purpose of these Teacher Appreciation gifts.

Technical Support & Website: Two parents will be responsible for assisting the teachers and director with technical support and should be familiar with Apple computers. They will also update and maintain the school’s website.